
Valentine's Day Gift Guide | For Him

Valentines Day Gift Guide For Men

Valentines day isn't that far away now and if you're anything like me you have no idea what to get your other half. I find men so hard to buy for, anyone else agree? They have everything they possibly need already so what do you do in that circumstance? You buy them more of the stuff they already have!

I don't like to show my appreciation to my other half only through gifts but by doing nice gestures too like making him breakfast, obviously it's a day for both of you to enjoy together  so you can decide amongst yourselves who cooks breakfast but even if it's just something little like not moaning at him for being an idiot and just biting your tongue whilst smiling through the pain! 

1. A Card

Of course the first thing you need is a card, I know some people find them pointless but other people like to receive them to keep them as keepsakes, I know I like too. I really like to use personalisation card websites to make it that bit more special and personal.
*Item Pictured: Unknown - You can find cute card anywhere and everywhere

2. Gadgets  

Most men and gadgets are like two peas in a pod, You can get so many types of gadgets to fit your partners passion. If your boyfriend/husband is into camera's etc this Flexible Camera Mount is great! My boyfriend got one recently and I've been using it a bit too, it's so handy! You can wrap it around your wrist, hang it and it's just great to get a steady shot! 
Item Pictured: Sabrent Flexible Tripod Mount 

3. Trainers 

Yet again, you can't go wrong with trainers, or just shoes in general if your partner isn't much of a trainer person. Trainers don't last forever so even if your partner already has loads they will still be used, I mean I wouldn't say no to a pair of Louboutins even if I had 100 pairs!
Item Pictured: Nike Air Huarache Ultra 

4. Alcohol (Their favourite Beverage)

I think this is quite a thoughtful gift, I mean everyone has their own favourite beverage so if you gift it to them it would show them that you remembered! Of course if you've been together for years it's not much of a surprise that you've remembered after years of sitting down the pub! Alternatively you could buy them their favourite chocolate bar, a cake from their favourite cake shop the list is endless, who would be disappointed with food & drink?
*You have to be 18 years & over to purchase Alcohol in the UK & Ireland & 21 years in America 

5. A Watch 

This doesn't guarantee he'll still be there on time but it'll look nice on his wrist! With the range of styles out there your sure to find one that your man would like.
Item Pictured: Tbh, I just found this on google, but everyone has different tastes so whatever you fancy! 

6. A Gift Card 

You can get a gift card for ANYTHING these days! So what does he like? Food? There's a gift card for that, Cinema? There's a gift card for that, Coffee? There's a gift card for that too! It's endless.
Item Pictured: Costa Coffee Gift Card 

7. Aftershave 

Like I was saying before, stuck on what you buy your other half? Buy him what he already has but better, Aftershave is a good place to start and you know what's better YOU get to choose what he smells like YOU! After all you are the one that has to inhale his scent when he wants to be little spoon (don't try and deny it guys).
Item Pictured - Azzaro Wanted Eau De Toilette This smells AMAZING! It's my favourite aftershave my boyfriend wears. 

8. Tickets 

If your super organised (unlike myself) you can book tickets for days out, you could both do something you each enjoy, one in the morning and one in the afternoon! After all, Valentines Day isn't about you or him it's about US. Compromise and you'll both have a great day. Cinema tickets are great if your unorganised and looking for a last minute activity.

You don't even have to exchange gifts on Valentines Day, it's not about that - If you love your partner you don't need to go out of your way to prove you love them one day a year when you do it every day already.

I hope you have a LOVEly valentines day!

& that's for you single one's too reading this
 - celebrate the love you have for yourself and the people you love.



 you could book a table for 2 at Gregg's! They are taking reservations now!
(one day only)

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1 comment

  1. Great post and I really liked that you put some thought in what guys want other thank junk well done I rate this ***** 5 starts 👍🏻
