
Collection Work The Colour Lip Butter - 'Perfect Plum'

I'm am a fan of Collection so when browsing the 'Collection' section in Superdrug recently I was so excited to find their new lip butters in seven colours!

At first I wanted to pick them all up all seven shades but I wanted to try out one before wasting my money so I picked up the colour 'Perfect Plum' as it's nearly Autumn and I'm so excited to start wearing a dark lip again...

The packaging is plastic and reflects the colour of the lip butter inside, I love the silver wording and how compact is it, perfect to pop into my handbag. The product itself is a pencil form which you can twist up.

The lip butter is a creamy texture with a lovely shine and very moisturising (great for the colder months) and it lasts long which I didn't expect considering the moisture. The colour itself is very pigmented with a strong colour pay off and so effortless to apply, great for on the go!

This shade is perfect for the colder months which are creeping up on us.. and I can't wait to buy the rest of the colours in this range.

(Superdrug - £2.99)

What's your favourite Lip Butter?  

See you soon!
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1 comment

  1. I absolutely love my lip butters, they are so easy to wear! My favourite would be my clinique chubby stick in "woppin watermelon" which is a subtle pink colour. It's my go-to shade for those "NEED SOMETHING ON MY LIPS STAT" days. x
