
Just Another Lazy Sunday

Sunday Routine - Just Another Lazy Sunday
Sundays for me are definitely dedicated to chilling out, no matter how busy I am I try and leave Sunday free for me,my boyfriend and family. I haven't always loved Sundays as much as I do now (when I was in school I hated them because Sunday meant that school was 24hrs away, and I hated school). I'm an adult now and I appreciate Sundays a lot more, no time for stressing out over tomorrow, live every day as if it's your last and all that!

Here's what I get up to on a typical lazy Sunday:

Getting a few extra hours in bed 
I love to have a little lay in on a Sunday unless I have something imparticular I need to do but if I haven't I like to treat myself to some more sleep. I'm normally up quite late on Saturday nights (not because I'm partying like normal 19-year-olds, I'm normally up late blogging) so I make up for lost sleep, no-one likes a girl deprived of sleep!

 Draft Blog Posts 
Sundays for me is the best time to draft blog posts and to find inspiration for future ones so I can start planning them. I'll also take blog pictures and edit them ready for blog posts and make sure all my content is up to date and I'll make some changes to my blog if I'm feeling it needs a little refresh.

Give myself a little pamper session
After a long week I like to give myself a little pamper, I don't always do the full works sometimes I'll just have a bubble bath and put a face mask on but other times I'll do my nails, wash my hair, tint my eyebrows etc. you get what I mean. 

 Have A Walk 
I'm very fortunate enough to live right next to the beach and as it's Spring the weather is really nice so I sometimes go for a walk along the beach with my boyfriend. Depending if we go after or before dinner, well get an ice cream too. 

 Have Dinner 
My boyfriend is definitely the cook in our relationship so he usually cooks our dinner I normally just assist when I say assist I just stand in the kitchen getting in the way and asking how long it's going to be every 5 minutes. Sometimes we'll have dinner on our own or we'll go to my mum's house and make her and my siblings dinner.  

Catch up on my favourite shows
I'm forever missing an episode of something or just haven't got the time to watch it while it's on so I'll catch up on all the programmes I've missed or if I haven't got anything to catch up on I'll watch a movie with lots of snacks.

 Read My Favourite Blogs/Magazine/Book
I have soo many favourite blogs that I read, which is why I'm constantly refreshing my Bloglovin' feed. I always save posts that I don't have time to read to a 'read later' folder so I'll read all of those. I also love to sit down with a cup of tea and a magazine or a book just to wind down after the day.

 Prepare for the week ahead
If I need to plan anything for the week ahead what better day to do it than the day before the week starts! (Just like doing your homework the day before it's due or if you're like me on your lunch break a few minutes before the lessons start, this isn't advised! I got my fair share of detentions). I normally go through my diary see what I've got planned and make sure I have everything ready for the days ahead! 

What do you like to do on Sundays?

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  1. Great post. I love catching up on my favourite TV shows and sleeping in. Perfect time to plan blog posts aswell xoxo

  2. This post really relaxed me!!
    I love to have lazy Sunday's too... but having an unlimited card at Cineworld means that I also love to have a little cinema trip on a Sunday afternoon :) Bliss.

    1. Great! I love going to the cinema but I defiantly would rather stay in and watch a movie in my PJs! x

  3. I love lazy Sundays! Always have a couple of extra hours in bed, take my dog for a walk and give myself a bit of a pamper with a hair mask :)


  4. I love lazy sundays and although I dont have them very often, I do enjoy a lot when I am lucky enough to spend a sunday in my pjs doing nothing special. The best feeling x

    1. I'm so happier and content when I'm lazying around in my PJs too!x
