
The Mystery Blogger Award

My blog has been nominated for Mystery Blogger Award by the lovely Katie at KatieEmmaBeautyI'm so surprised I was nominated considering I haven't blogged continuously for a while now due to a busy schedule and not knowing what to blog about so I guess this is a great way to motive me to blog more!

I think award chains like this one is a great way to get more little "unknown" blogs out there which are just a good or some even better than well known blogs and to give the blogger of those blogs more motivation to not give up, and that their hard work isn't going unnoticed. 

The Creator of this award is Okoto Enigma and you can find her blog here.

Award Rules:
#1. Put the logo/image on your blog 
#2. List The Rules 
#3. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog
#4. Mention the creator of the award and link their blog
#5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself 
#6. Nominate 10-20 bloggers for the award 
#7. Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog
#8. Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice 
#9. Share a link to your best blog post 

3 Things About Me:

#1. I own so much makeup I don't think I'll ever use but I've spent so long building up my collection I haven't got the heart to give it or chuck it away.
 #2. I cannot watch a film of an evening without falling asleep, I might not even be tired but I just somehow fall asleep (my boyfriend would never admit it but he hates me for it)

 #3. I am an auntie to three girls and one boy

My Answers:

What would be your dream day off?
My dream day off would be waking up mid-day on a horrible rainy day (so I'd feel less guilty about spending the majority of the day in bed) I'd watch films all day drinking a bottomless cup of tea (or hot chocolate) with lots of food and a Domino's pizza for dinner!

How long have you been blogging?
 I have been blogging since June 2015 although I haven't been blogging consistently since then although I would love to know where my blog would be now had I of, but sometimes life can get in the way of things you love to do but my blog is always there when I want it and I hope I will find the motivation soon to blog 4 times a week.

If you could have any superpower what would you choose and why?
I would have to say transportation would be the superpower I would pick, I just can't think of anything better than being able to be anywhere I wanted in the click of a finger. How cool what that be?! No more buses, train and planes!

Where do you go for blog inspiration?
 My answer to this is you can find inspiration for a blog post ANYWHERE. I normally find inspiration is the most random places or when I'm not looking for it an idea will hit me but I also love to find inspiration from other bloggers but change it up, be original.

What aspect of your life would you change if you could?
Another tough one, but I would love to change the fact I don't have a puppy friend in my life, that's all I've wanted for such a long time but unfortunately me and my boyfriend are at work most of the time and I want to travel as much as I can so getting a little doggy friend wouldn't be fair. 

My Nominees:

Tania Michele

 Chloe Danielle
 The Beautyholic Girl
I'm A Galaxy Girl
  Milky Te4
 Small & Blonde
The Readers Corner
 The Girl Behind The Words
 Bonjour Chloe
 Jess Heard Blog

My Questions:

#1. Where do you see your blog in a years time?

 #2. What's your favourite season?
 #3. One beauty product you could never live without?
#4. Your favourite restaurant?
 #5. Whats your social media handles? 

Don't forget to let me know when you've uploaded your Mystery Blogger Award post so I can see what you've said! 

You can also find Subject Beauty on:
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